Funny Joke ‣ Listen To The Voice Inside Your Head!

A guy woke up one morning, and heard a voice inside his head that said, “Quit your job… sell your house… take all your money and go to Las Vegas.”

He ignored it, but later that day he heard it again, more insistent. “Quit your job… sell your house… take all your money and go to Las Vegas!”

The harder he tried, the more he heard it.

Pretty soon it was in his head constantly. “Quit your job! Sell your house! Take all your money and go to Las Vegas!!!”

Finally he couldn’t stand it anymore. He quit his job, sold his house, put all his money in a suitcase and flew to Las Vegas.

The moment he stepped off the plane the voice said, “Go to Caesar’s Palace!” He took a cab to Caesar’s Palace.

The voice said, “Go to the roulette table!” He made his way back to the roulette table.

The voice said, “Bet everything on Red 23!”

He put every cent he had on Red 23. The wheel spun around, and the ball landed on Black 11. The voice said, “F#ck.”