A bunch of old guys are drinking (heavily) in an old Irish pub and giving out about Putin. One of them decides to phone the Russian Embassy to tell them off and he gets through to the ambassador:
“Hey you lads better piss off outa the Ukraine or we’ll have to sort you out, yeah!”
Amb. “Who are you? and what makes you think you could do that.”
“We are all members of the bally….. football club and we have a shit load of shotguns and 4×4,s an stuff as well as about 50 good lads. Our ancestors fought the Brits , I’ll have you know, so if you want a war the lads are ready!”
Ambassador: “apart from our equipment we could send one million troops if you want to fight,”
(long silence follows) then – “Well okay , forget about the war so.”
“AHA! afraid of the consequences eh?”
“F*ck no, It,s just that we have hardly enough for ourselves so what the fuck would we do with one million prisoners!”