How can I identify the smartest person in the room?
1- Curiosity: They are always seeking knowledge. They want to know more about the things that others take for granted.
2- Improvising: The ability to think on their feet. When something goes unplanned they are able to adapt quickly.
3- Funny: They tend to have a good sense of humor. It’s a sign of having high verbal intelligence.
4- Empathy: They can think and feel what other person is going through. The ability to put themselves in another person’s shoes.
5- Meaning of life: They like thinking about the big questions of life. What’s the meaning of life, the universe, etc.? To the very core of things.
6- Self-control: They have the will to not give in to temptations. They to plan things to avoid impulsive behavior.
7- Happy alone: They tend to enjoy their own company. They don’t feel the need to always be around people.